January is FREE Layout Month for Studio J members! For every 9 customer-printed Studio J layouts you buy, you will receive the 10th layout for FREE! To received the discount, just add 10 or more layouts to your cart. You'll see a discount reflected in your total order. And you can totally take advantage of this promotion by ordering in multiples of 10. Buy 9, get 1 FREE. But 19, get 2 FREE. Buy 27, get 3 FREE. And so on! If you're not a member yet, now is a great time to join!

Why Studio J? What are your options? You can print your photos, then slap them into a photo album to be shown to family and friends. But will you remember what each photo is about? What each photo represents? I wouldn't. That's why we scrapbook - the journaling is such an important part of scrapbooking! This is where "digital scrapbooking" comes in, where Studio J can help you. When you put your photos on a page with some journaling, some words for you to leave to your family for years to come, you leave behind a part of you. Now, while we already do this, Studio J can help us catch up on all those photos that we have left for our "someday" scrapbooking. And it takes away that one thing that I myself procrastinates about the most.....printing those photos before your can scrap them! With Studio J, you can create digital scrapbooking pages by designing them online and uploading yoru photos. Close To My Heart then prints your pages WITH you photos printed right on your page! They mail them to you directly, ready for you to slip into your 12x12 album!
You will love how convenient and easy Studio J is. And, if you do decide to become a Studio J member, each custom-printed layout that you purchase will come with a FREE JPG file of your layout - a high resolution version for printing more copies or archiving. AND you also get one web-ready version of your layout for emailing to family, uploading to a blog or posting on Facebook! To me, this web-ready version is worth its weight in gold!
But wait, there's more to being a Studio J member. As a member, you also get FREE shipping once a month and all your layouts at half price! This makes sharing your phtos as well as their stories easier and more affordable than ever.
As a Studio J Member, you get:
- 50% off your layouts
- Free monthly shipping
- Members-only templates and kits
- Free JPG files
- Free page protectors
- Special Members-only promotions, just like this one
So why don't you give Studio J a try? Just upload some of your photos and see how fast and easy it is to create a beautiful scrapbook page, preserving not only the photos but the stories that go with them. If you like what you've created, you can either order and purchase your layouts at full price or you can purchase a membership for either 3 months or a year and get your layouts for half price, only $6.50. Hey, having a digital page WITH photos is worth this! You can also purchase a 5 pack that includes 5 layouts, shipping, and page protectors.
Interested contact me.